Angeline Rivas

Angelina Rivas (b. 1981, Kansas City, MO) lives and works in Los Angeles.

Angeline Rivas paints with airbrush on wood panel and canvas. The works could be considered vast, yet compact crucibles of a unique form of western Americana. In a way it’s all here: the transcendentalist imagery of Agnes Pelton, cults, if not Light and Space and Finish Fetish itself, then John McCracken’s interest in extraterrestrial life, Sedona, AZ, the work of cosmologist, astrophysicist, and author, Carl Sagan, inter- dimensionality, Star Trek, the classical, Pynchonian tendency toward paranoid, but ultimately plausible conspiracy theory (MKUltra), the flamboyance of Judy Chicago, spiritualism, the refraction of crystals, et al and etc. Who would have thought all of this could harmonize so seamlessly? But in her work of florid, flowing and voluptuous forms, it all connects.

She received her MFA from ArtCenter College of Design, and BFA from Otis College of Art and Design.

Recent solo exhibition was “MKUltramarine,” Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles, 2023. She participated alongside Tom Allen in Felix Art Fair, 2024.


Felix Art Fair

Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles

Two-Person show with Tom Allen

February 28 - March 3, 2024


Chris Sharp Gallery

Solo show

June 24 - July 29, 2023